
Queensland EnviroWaste Solutions

Toowoomba Resource Recovery & Energy From Waste


QEW Solutions Toowoomba Project

Global AFR has secured a 10 Ha site on the [size] on the InterLinkSQ site located at 13 Km west of Toowoomba. InterLinkSQ commenced construction on its freight, road/rail/air intermodal, and logistics hub on its 200Ha site that includes plans for 150,000m2 of warehousing, food processing and manufacturing. With support from the Queensland Government and Australian Rail Track Corporation the intermodal terminal is due for completion by end-2024.

Global AFR intends to construct a Material Recovery Facility and Energy from Waste (EfW) solution to treat non-recyclable or residual wastes that would otherwise go to landfill to generate energy, steam and heat. This energy, steam and heat will be distributed across the ILSQ industrial estate through an embedded, behind the meter grid. QEW Solutions site will also accommodate industries that use waste and recycled material as raw material in their manufacturing processes.

InterLinkSQ is committed to the concept of developing a resource recovery park and energy from waste facility as part of its industrial estate

Project Overview

Material Recovery Facilities and Energy from Waste, while new to Australia, have been key waste management strategies in the UK, USA and Europe for more than 60 years. Technology and environmental improvements mean that QEW Solutions can develop a waste treatment facility that will deliver social, environmental, economic and wellbeing benefits by

Turning Waste Into Money

Australia has a waste problem. The historical solution has been to dig a hole and bury the waste or export it to another country.

If we cannot avoid, reuse or recycle the waste, we need to minimise the environmental impact of disposal and think of waste as a valuable resource. Recovering energy from waste in the form of power, steam and heat lowers carbon emissions, eliminates landfill and closes the loop in a circular economy. The Queensland and Federal Government recognise the importance of Energy from Waste in their waste management strategies and policy reforms.


Who is Queensland Envirowaste Solutions?

QEW Solutions is the trading name of Global AFR Pty Ltd an Australian registered company with its Head Office in Brisbane.

QEW Solutions recently identified abroad set of innovative technologies and opportunities in advanced waste treatment (AWT).

QEW Solutions is now investigating a range of facilities that could be located in a resource recovery park, the centrepiece of which will be an energy from waste facility.

Australia's Cutting Edge Waste Solutions

With smart technologies and sound implementation, QEW Solutions’ alternative waste treatment facilities aim to deliver social, environmental, economic and wellbeing benefits. Potential benefits include: