Advanced Technologies To Maximise Resource Recovery
Advanced picking and sorting technologies will maximise resource recovery, creating feedstock for existing and emerging recycling and upcycling technologies. Thermal energy will then be extracted from residual materials, with by-products applied in construction, effectively eliminating all landfill.
QEW Solutions’ strategy includes a materials recovery facility, where waste materials will be sorted and treated to serve diverse purposes. Variable waste sources will be captured, sorted, and treated with the highest order use, maximising resource recovery and extracting optimum value.
The resource recovery park aims to result in zero waste to landfill, from processed waste, optimising carbon emission outcomes, generating valuable recycled and upcycled products, and stimulating markets for those products.
End-of-life treatment of residual waste through energy from waste incineration is an essential part of Queensland’s waste management hierarchy. An energry from waste facility generates low carbon, dispatchable power, steam and heat that could displace reliance on fossil fuel generation across the wider InterLinkSQ development.