Waste Feedstock

Sourcing of Waste Feedstock
Council, Federal and State Government waste collection and treatment policies will drive support for QEW Solutions and its proposals for the management and end-of-life treatment of waste feedstocks.
QEW Solutions has identified multiple sources of waste within the project area waste production and collection zone. These include:
- Council-controlled waste from Toowoomba Regional Council, Western Downs Regional Council and potentially councils along the Western corridor on the existing rail line.
- Waste collection companies that control commercial and industrial waste.
- Existing single source businesses that generate wastes (e.g. biomass) that must be disposed of outside the Tablelands Regional Council's controlled processes.
- Proposed new industries that will generate volumes of waste and require disposal solutions including new agribusinesses announced that are located on and within 25 km of the ILSQ site.
In 2020 Global AFR commissioned SLR Australia Pty Ltd to prepare a Report on “High Level Waste Availability” which summarised the volume of suitable waste available in South-East Queensland. QEW Solutions aim to contract less than 10% ofwaste, in the targeted region, that currently goes to landfill, is exported within Australia or is subject to low value disposal.
Queensland EnviroWaste Solutions’ planned alternative waste treatments will provide cheaper and transparent disposal for a substantial proportion of these wastes.
Queensland EnviroWaste Solutions has identified multiple sources and tonnages for preferred waste streams. During the pre-development phase, Queensland EnviroWaste Solutions will move these waste relationships forward to contracting. Queensland EnviroWaste Solutions will undertake discussions with parties that are in final negotiations with Toowoomba Regional Council & Western Downs Regional Council as part of the waste / recycling collection and disposal tender process.
TRC and WDRC have commenced a joint tender process for waste / recycling collections and disposal. Tenders closed on 13 May 2022 for commencement of services in July 2023.